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It is a biotechnology company focused on the design and development of industrial-scale bioprocesses based on biocatalysis and microbial fermentation, from laboratory to industrial scale, for the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and high value-added molecules and compounds.

Our technology

Our technology platform consists of the use of enzymes or microorganisms (wild or genetically modified or engineered) to perform chemical reactions that can replace manufacturing processes based on classical organic chemistry.
The board of directors of Arquebio S.L.
is composed of
3 members.
The current workforce of the laboratory Arquebio S.L.
consists of
10 professionals
from different fields such as biotechnology, chemistry and biochemistry.
Arquebio is setting up a Scientific Advisory Committee
composed of
Excellent experts
in the field.
Our history
Arquebio develops and offers innovative biotechnological solutions to its customers and at the same time meets their needs in terms of industrial scope and profitability. In addition, the company provides chemical and micro-biological analysis services for third parties.

APR. 2021

Start of Arquebio’s activity

MAR. 2022

Relocation to a new laboratory.

Jul. 2022

1st European Project

DEC. 2022

Innovative SME, ISO 9001 and GMOS certification

DEC 2023

International Expansion

APR 2024

The development of proprietary molecules begins.

Products and services
Arquebio SL offers its clients the following contract research services.
Technical Evaluations and Consulting
Development of biotechnological processes.
Obtaining building blocks
Support in the discovery of new chemical entities
Productos y servicios
Nuestra tecnología

Arquebio SL desarrolla bioprocesos utilizando biocatalizadores (enzimas o microorganismos) en pasos de transformación únicos o múltiples.

Nuestra plataforma tecnológica P2B (Platform to Bio) es una herramienta útil para realizar cribados de alto rendimiento de biocatalizadores, condiciones de reacción, sustratos adecuados y productos obtenidos.
La evaluación se puede realizar en un corto plazo. período de tiempo y proporciona información sobre diferentes bioprocesos posibles y condiciones que podrían ser más desarrollado a mayor escala.
La información obtenida de P2B permite realizar estimaciones de productividad, costes y riesgos necesarios para confirmar si el proceso es factible a escala industrial.
Productos y servicios
Proceso de desarrollo
Sustitución de procesos basados en química orgánica sintética por biotecnología.
El desarrollo abarca desde el diseño teórico hasta el escalamiento e implementación industrial. Esta última fase la realiza el cliente bajo el apoyo y supervisión de Arquebio S.L.
Productos y servicios
Actividad investigadora
Investigación propia de Arquebio SL: centrada en 3 líneas diferentes.
Desarrollo de proyectos de investigación para clientes: más de 40 proyectos diferentes.
Propiedad Intelectual y Patentes: Arquebio tiene 4 patentes en proceso de estudio.
Investigación financiada públicamente
Productos y servicios
Arquebio S.L. ofrece las más destacadas y actualizadas opciones tecnológicas, manteniendo un alcance industrial.
Si fuera necesario, se pueden externalizar determinadas operaciones a otras empresas y centros de investigación, bajo nuestra dirección y supervisión.
Disponemos de una potente red de contactos en biocatálisis y bioprocesamiento. Se han establecido varios acuerdos de colaboración
Our R&D activities are mainly developed in our own facilities, located in a 220 m2. Laboratory in a traditional industrial area of Barcelona (Poble Nou).
We can perform almost all types of analytical, chemical and biological tasks using our own instruments (HPLC, GC, AA, UV-FTIR, microscopy, automated titration, etc.).
We are based in Barcelona (Spain).
In addition to our internal activities, we can also perform analytical services for our clients.
Our news

Stay up to date with our latest innovations and recognitions. Discover Maresin’s biocatalytic synthesis development and our new EU-funded research project – more exciting news here!

Strategic partners

We also have several strategic partners, who help us develop and commercialize our technology platform and projects.

In addition to our internal activities, we can also perform analytical services for our clients.

It is an extensive network of excellent specialists and professionals, companies and institutions that collaborate with Arquebio.

We can perform almost all types of chemical and biological analytical tasks using our own instruments (HPLC, GC, AA, UV-FTIR, microscopy, automated titration, etc.).

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