Our Mission
It is to contribute to a more sustainable world through the development of new bioprocesses that lead to a shift from the current chemical manufacturing procedures using classical chemical synthesis and petroleum-based processes to other more sustainable procedures using renewable raw materials, with a much lower operating cost, environmental impact and chemical risk, and minimizing the generation of by-products.
Our vision
That in the future, the current chemical processes for the manufacture of medicines, chemical products, cosmetics and food ingredients will be progressively replaced by more efficient and sustainable biotechnological methods.

It is a biotechnology company focused on the design and development of biocatalysis-based processes, from laboratory to industrial scale, for the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and high-value molecules.
We offer innovative biotechnology solutions to our customers and at the same time meet their needs in terms of industrial scope, cost-effectiveness and fast time to market.
It was founded in 2011 by a team of entrepreneurs with more than 20 years of industrial experience in biochemistry, organic synthesis, pharmaceutical development and biotechnology, both in R&D and production.